路边交通安全防撞栏价格 肇庆路中二横栏杆 潮州人行道隔离护栏
Roadside traffic safety crash barrier price Zhaoqing road middle second horizontal barrier Chaozhou sidewalk isolation barrier
城市交通护栏的主要功能有 The main functions of urban traffic guardrails are:
1. Separation function: the traffic barrier separates the traffic of motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians, and separates the road longitudinally on the section, so that motor vehicles, non motor vehicles and pedestrians can drive separately, which improves the safety of road traffic and traffic order.
2. Blocking function: the traffic guardrail will block bad traffic behavior and block pedestrians, bicycles or motor vehicles trying to cross the road. It requires the guardrail to have a certain height, a certain density (referring to the vertical bar), and a certain strength.
3. Warning function: the outline on the guardrail shall be concise and clear through installation, and the driver shall be warned to pay attention to the existence of guardrail and pedestrians and non motor vehicles, so as to prevent traffic accidents.
4. Aesthetic function: achieve harmony and coordination with the road environment through different materials, forms, shapes and colors of guardrails.
安永特金属护栏厂致力于市政园林护栏,市政道路护栏,桥梁护栏,河道护栏,不锈钢护栏,楼梯扶手,阳台护栏,绿化带护栏,铁丝网护栏,铁艺围墙护栏,果园围网,圈地围网,高速公路防护网,防眩网,钢格栅井盖,球接栏杆,迎宾柱,铁路隔离栅,热镀锌护栏,锌钢护栏、铁艺护栏、铝艺护栏、市政道路护栏、市政花箱护栏、不锈钢复合管桥梁河道景观护栏、工地基坑护栏、工程施工围挡、交通安全设施、建筑爬架网等的生产与研发,产品广泛应用于桥梁高速公路、公园市政园林、别墅小区商业区 车间工厂矿场、学校操场体育场、养殖业畜牧业等,是一家集生产、销售、安装及售后一站式服务提供高。